FREE GUIDE: Get seven quick ways to start spiritual conversations. Easy! Authentic!
It's all yours, friend! I'll tell you exactly what to do and say in this free downloadable GUIDE.
Go change the worldā€”one conversation at a time. (And no worries, you can unsubscribe at any time, but wait 'til after you get two free Audiobook Chapters of my book too).

If we’re going to find people God is preparing and invite them into the Kingdom of God, we MUST cast spiritual seed often, widely, on the landscape of people’s everyday life. We must start more spiritual conversations, more often.
In this GUIDE, you'll get...
- Seven practical sentences to say or questions to ask to start a spiritual conversation with anyone.
- Easy-to-try ways with intentionality. Because, tough love guys. Of course we act like believers and we show love through our actions, but for someone to come to faith, we’ve GOT to open our mouths.
We have to START spiritual conversations, regularly.
A way to go deeper. Sometimes it's just hard to turn a conversation from surface topics such as "How's the weather?" to deeper conversations, more substantial conversations of ideas, beliefs, and matters of the heart. Here you go! Try saying these one of these Seven Spiritual Conversation Starters to draw out those that are really interested to keep talking.
A way to find those that God is already preparing ahead of time. Just say the sentence or ask the question. If they don't want to keep talking and go deeper, then don't keep going.